Philip-Lorca diCorcia "Thousand" @ David Zwirner

One of my favorite photographer, Philip-Lorca diCorcia is having an amazing show at David Zwirner at 525 w. 19th street in Chelsea till March 28. There are 1000 polaroids all placed in a linear sequence. The quality of his photographs were beautiful as usual but what most interesting to me was how he made this linear sequence and the size of the each photograhs.

Although it was one straight sequence, you see several different narratives comes in and comes out. Several motifs are used to create a rhythm. I thought it was musical somehow. Some of the jucstaposition of the images were very simple; similar objects, similar shapes and motifs. There were a lot to learn from this show for me.

The size of the images were also interesting part of the show. Current trend of fine art photography seems to be presented in large scale. The large enough to compete with painting. However, images from this show was probably no larger than 4x5. It had compelling quality to make the audience feel very personal.

If you are interested in the show, I strongly recommend visiting the gallery by March 28. If you can't make it by 28th, you can check out gallery website to see some of the images (but 102 of 1000!!)

David Zwirner