Jean Baudrillard

Jean Baudrillard came up in conversations with some people several times this week.
Prof. Stephen Zaima recommended me to get a copy of "America" which I'm reading right now.
However, he said it is a photo book. Maybe he meant "Photographies 1985-1998" I cannot find any book of his that features his photographs of America. The book "America" is very interesting. Ii's written in very poetic language and his descriptions of America as primitive society caught my attention.

Also the other day, in a conversation with Jen Davis, she recommended me to take a look at Sophie Calle's Project where she followed a stranger on the street and photographed. This book is called "Please Follow Me" and Jean Baudrillard also wrote for the book. This book is rare and very expensive but I can read some materials here. (



Jean Baudrillard: Fotografiafien/Photographies/Photographs 1985-1998

Jean Baudrillard: Fotografiafien/Photographies/Photographs 1985-1998

Suite Venitienne/Please Follow Me

Suite Venitienne/Please Follow Me