Review on MFA show

I received a review on my show for the first time and it says "There were other works in the show lacking conceptual crispness; installations that seemed to be either navel-gazing or over wrought and photography and printmaking that revisited old themes in familiar ways." (written by Katherine Rushworth , copied from the site:

The concept of my work may not be crisp. However, it deals with wide range of issues. It has to be this way not to simplify my subject matter.Also, I think my work may deal with old theme but not that familiar way. The insallation is not like ground breaking way of presentation but it is not conventional and I believe that there is good intentions.
However, I can imagine that these criticism can be said by many other people. The installation of my work has to be more emphasized as a space without works by other artists in the space. At least I learned that from this show.